The University of Southampton

ECS first student group in UK to be recognized by the BCS

Published: 2 August 2007

The School's student-run Electronics and Computer Science Society is the first student society in the UK to be officially recognized as a student chapter by the British Computer Society.

The Electronics and Computer Science Society (ECSS) was established only three years ago to provide a full programme of talks, careers information, social and sports events for the School's 900 undergraduate students. Trademark events also include gaming competitions, games for girls events involving local schools, and special events for international women's day and science and technology week.

Now as part of the BCS, student Reena Pau says that more events will be organized to enable ECS students to keep in touch with the BCS and its broad range of activities which support computer science education in the UK. The School has strong links with the BCS: Professor Nigel Shadbolt of ECS is currently President of the organization and Professor Wendy Hall of ECS was President in 2003-4.

'I'm really looking forward to what we will achieve through this partnership,' said Reena, who is also BCS representative for Hampshire Young Professionals. 'If anyone has any ideas or suggestions for future events, we'll be delighted to hear from them at'

Professor Margaret Ross of Southampton Solent University, who is President of the BCS Hampshire Branch, said: 'I am so proud of the members of the Society at the University of Southampton since they raised the concept of being recognized as a Chapter of the Hampshire Branch. Following a year of negotiations, it has now been formally agreed. This will bring closer links between the students and BCS professional members and we look forward to a strong collaboration in the future.'

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