Re: subject classification

From: Stevan Harnad <>
Date: Wed, 25 Jun 2008 09:38:02 -0400

On 25-Jun-08, at 8:53 AM, Peter Cliff wrote:

      Stevan Harnad wrote:
            Opposing hand-tagging. No view on usefulness
            of automated tagging (except

            that I think boolean full-text search is in
            general far more powerful

            than taxonomy search -- though of course any
            available taxonomy can

            be covered by the boolean search). -- SH

      What if the full-text lacks certain keywords that are
      relevant for discovery/searching? I'm not convinced the
      content of a document is enough to accurately (and
      sustainably) describe what it is about. This email, for

      That said, I'm not disagreeing that update of repository
      deposition has been slow - but I'm not sure we can blame
      that on just the need for metadata!

(1) I will wager everything and anything I own that the main thing
that has been holding back IR deposits is keystroke inertia.

(2) The way to remedy keystroke inertia is not to ask for even more

(3) I profoundly doubt that if an article lacks some key keywords,
they cannot be inferred by smart text-processing software. (But if
you are dead sure of that, add some optional author key-word boxes to
your IR's deposit interface...)

Harnad, S. (2005) A Keystroke Koan for our Open Access Times.

Stevan Harnad
Received on Wed Jun 25 2008 - 14:38:36 BST

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