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General Links for Image Processing and Computer Vision

These are the general links for image processing and vision

The Computer Vision Homepage Computer Vision Homepage
Widely used and comprehensive look at computer vision
CVOnline CV Online
Computer vision online compendium with much explanatory material

and for other related material:

Numerical Recipes Signal Processing
Numerical Recipes, a major source for signal processing
Signal Processing Information Bases - much wider than Numerical Recipes
* Graphics
Image File Formats and Reading Software
ISIS resource Support Vector Machines
Links to a topic not covered in the text, but of major interest in classification and regression
* Computer Graphics
The inverse problem to computer vision
Vision Science Vision Science
Human and animal vision
Comir Medical Applications
Medical imaging resources on the internet
* Vision List
Digest of announcements in vision (jobs, conferences etc.)

and for newsgroups (digests of announcements in vision e.g. jobs, conferences etc.)<):

Vision list newsgroup. /DD>
* sci.image.processing
Newsgroup for Image Processing

School of Electronics and Computer Science
University of Southampton
Highfield, Southampton SO17 1BJ, United Kingdom
Tel. +44 023 8059 3813     Fax +44 023 8059 4498