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Online Demonstrations

These are some links to active pages for material covered in the text, with grateful thanks to their developers!

Epipolar Geometry
A nice little demonstration using a pinhole camera
Discrete Fourier Transforms
Calculates Fourier transforms online, using windowing functions
2D Fourier Transform
Calculates 2D Fourier transforms of pre-selected images
Discrete Cosine Transform Tutorial
Calculates 2D DCT of specified images, and reconstructs them
Has median filtering (program 3) and edge detection (program 2)
Image Processing Fundamentals
Edge detection on pre-selected images
Detection of High Curvature Points in Planar Curves
Corner detection on user and on pre-selected images
Fast Image Motion Estimation Demo
Optical flow by correlation on your images
Cartesian parameterisation explanation
Draw and see the votes
Rho/theta parameterisation explanation
Click and see the votes
Hough transform for circles applet
Image and the best cicle(s) found in it
Reconstruction of a closed curve from its elliptic descriptor
Reconstructing 2D curves from elliptic Fourier descriptors

Image, Speech and Intelligent Systems research group
Department of Electronics and Computer Science
University of Southampton
Highfield, Southampton SO17 1BJ, United Kingdom
Tel. +44 023 8059 3813     Fax +44 023 8059 4498