The University of Southampton

COMP2213 Interaction Design

Module Overview

In recent years there has been an increasing recognition of the important role played by the human-computer interaction in the success of computer systems.

This course aims to gives students an understanding of how the study of human-computer interaction affects the design of interactive systems, hardware and software and improve students' awareness of the issues that determine the usability of an interactive computer system.

Aims & Objectives


Knowledge and Understanding

Having successfully completed the module, you will be able to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of:

A1.  How different disciplines (human factors, cognitive psychology, engineering, graphics design, etc.) influence the design of interactive systems

A2.  How users interact (dialogue) with system.

A3.  The classification of input/output devices and techniques

A4.  How to design, prototype and evaluate a user interface

Intellectual Skills

Having successfully completed the module, you will be able to:

B1.  Describe the main concepts (conceptual model, metaphors and paradigms) that influence human-computer interaction

B2.  Explain the main theories of cognition and how these are used when designing interactive systems

B3.  Classify the different input/output devises as to their effect on human-computer interaction.

B4.  Describe the process of designing for interaction and why a user centred approach is preferred.

Practical Skills

Having successfully completed the module, you will be able to:

C1.  Design a solution interacting with a computer system.

C2.  Choose appropriate methods of evaluating an interactive system.

C3.  Evaluate a design for interacting with a computer system.


  • User Psychology
  • Hardware (input/output) devices
  • Models and Metaphors
  • Interaction styles, Graphical User Interface (GUI) and windowing systems
  • Design methodology
  • Accessibility
  • Guidelines, standards and metrics
  • Evaluation
  • Advanced Interfaces

Learning & Teaching

Learning & teaching methods

LectureLectures are used to present theoretical and practical aspects of developing interactive systems. During the lectures there may be quizzes and discussion with plenary feedback. Participation, while not compulsory, is encouraged. 22
TutorialTutorials will be used to work through examples illustrating the practical application of the techniques discussed in the lectures.10


Assessment methods

MethodHoursPercentage contribution
Exam2 hours50%

Referral Method: By set coursework assignment(s)

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