The University of Southampton

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Title: Electron interactions in quantum dot devices

Abstract: Quantum dots are zero-dimensional objects and one of the best candidates for observing and studying quantum phenomena. A quantum dot can be formed through the use of gates in a silicon nano-wire or defects in a CMOS transistor when measured at low temperatures. The rich and complex behaviour of electron interactions in these simple systems of one or more dots allow us to gain insight into many-body systems when operating as quantum simulators, as well as furthering the understanding of two-state systems in real materials, which is particularly important for quantum information processing. The main focus of this project in particular is to characterise electron spin effects in quantum dots and relating this to reliability in quantum devices.

4925d30d2bda26850230e9cc825d73d1B30Friday, May 3, 2024 - 19:27 SeminarsECS Events<a style='color:white' href=''>New Mountbatten (53)</a> - 4025